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Women in Language 2022
Welcome to Women In Language
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Day 1 // March 4, 2022
15:00 GMT Opening Ceremony (34:10)
16:00 GMT Push vs Pull Language Learning - a Perspective on Privilege in Linguistics with Jessica Kumar (56:00)
17:00 GMT Multilingual Parenting and Special Needs Children with Errol de Jesus (62:13)
18:00 GMT Stuck in a Good Italian with Irene Cangi (presented in English with Italian) (55:38)
19:00 GMT Why Swiss German Is Important And Why Your Dialect Is Too with Mel Turner (53:59)
21:00 GMT Perfectionism in Language Learning: Mastering Prohibitive Perfectionist Tendencies with Heidi Lovejoy (56:38)
Day 2 // March 5, 2022
8:45 GMT Daily Welcome (11:30)
9:00 GMT How to Be Assertive in an English Speaking Environment? with Archana Parmar (55:40)
10:00 GMT Emoji Are Digital Gestures in Online Communication with Lauren Gawne (53:51)
11:00 GMT Can You Forget Your Native Language? The Sociolinguistic, Intellectual and Emotional Consequences of Language Attrition with Agnieszka Murdoch (58:06)
12:15 GMT PANEL: Feminism in Our Language World Samantha Lassaux, Chesline Pierre-Paul, Martina Gerdts & Archana Parmar (75:42)
14:00 GMT Receptive Bilinguals: When Bilingual Children Understand Both Languages but Speak Only One... with Rebeca Imberg (Presentation en Español) (56:10)
15:00 GMT Heritage Languages: It's Not Just Academic with Anita Sachariah Shrinivasan (49:19)
16:00 GMT AAC: the What, the Who, the Why, and the How Does This Relate to Language Learning? with Lauren Williams (54:57)
19:00 GMT Podcasting as a Tool to Recover and Promote Female, Feminist, and Otherness Genealogies in Translation and Interpreting in Latin America with Mariana Favila-Alcala & Belen Nuñez (59:53)
20:00 GMT You - Yes, YOU! - Can Teach Your Baby American Sign Language! with Sara Holmes (55:28)
21:00 GMT Let's Talk about Parsnips. Taboos in the Language Classroom with Abigail Fulbrook (47:14)
Day 3 // March 6, 2022
11:45 GMT Daily Welcome (8:31)
12:00 GMT Language Revitalisation: Everyone Has a Role to Play with Karla Zuluaga (57:38)
13:00 GMT Implementing Trans Inclusive Language in My Language Learning with Martina Gerdts (Examples in German, Portuguese, English) (57:33)
14:00 GMT When You Want It All: How to be an Effective Language Learner if you’re Multipassionate with Marjolein Benschop (60:16)
16:00 GMT Newsflash: Games Aren’t Just for Kids Anymore! with Vickie Kelty & Laia Moret (64:24)
17:00 GMT Towards Risk Taking: How Do We Inspire Our Future Language Learners? with Emma Archard (57:30)
18:00 GMT Trauma-Informed Language Teaching and Learning with Paulette Jendre (57:16)
19:00 GMT Closing Ceremony (36:54)
16:00 GMT Newsflash: Games Aren’t Just for Kids Anymore! with Vickie Kelty & Laia Moret
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